We all know that school uniform is a vital part of school life
There are clear benefits to a school specific uniform
- 39% of schools reported an increase in absenteeism on non-school uniform days.
- In a recent survey, 89% of teachers believed school-specific uniform reduces visible inequalities.
- When children wear school-specific uniform, schools often report improved discipline and concentration.
- 53% of teachers surveyed believe school-specific uniform helps to stop bullying, by ensuring equality in clothing worn to school.
- School-specific uniform is central to schools building a sense of community among students, staff and parents as well as the local community.
- 68% of schools reported a positive link between a defined uniform policy & improved school performance.
Schoolwear Association Facts
2/3 parents believe school uniform puts everyone on a level playing field.

£92.35 is the average cost of compulsory uniform and sportswear for a secondary school in 2024.

71% of teachers believe that were school uniform to be removed, children would worry about what to wear each day.

59% of teachers in secondary school believe that school uniform reduces bullying.

School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging for students
School uniform contributes to students’ wellbeing, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear on a daily basis and added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers. Removing these visual difference helps to unify students.
School specific uniform is designed to stand the test of time – as well as the daily trials of playground activities – providing better long term value for money. Replacing less often is also more sustainable and better for the environment.
How much does uniform cost?
Contrary to some (often vastly inflated) figures quoted elsewhere, our latest survey of actual retail prices gathered from Schoolwear Association members was published in April 2024 and shows that the average cost of compulsory secondary school uniform and sportswear items in England in 2024 is £92.35 per pupil, which is a reduction of 4% since 2023.
Whilst we understand these items will all need to be purchased when a pupil starts at secondary school, it's important to understand they are not replaced every year. Our survey also captures replenishment times and shows that, on average, a pupil will only purchase 2.4 branded school blazers throughout their entire secondary school career.
Children wear school uniforms for approximately 195 days of the year, meaning that higher quality, longer lasting garments really do save money in the long run. Schoolwear Association members know this and stock from the best brands who ensure their uniform lasts until it is outgrown and often way beyond, meaning they can be handed on to siblings, or passed for other pupils to use. Longer lasting garments significantly reduce their environmental impact as well.
For more information about the average cost of uniform, please see the News section.
About the Schoolwear Association
The Schoolwear Association was formed in 2006 to promote the benefits of school-specific uniform in the UK and to establish strong standards in the supply chain of garments to parents and schools. We represent all involved in the supply of school-specific uniforms, from retailers, direct to school suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, suppliers, decorators, agents and schools. Together, our members clothe three quarters of Britain’s school children. Our leadership committee is made up of many people from across the whole industry who give their time voluntarily and share a passion for what we do.
Today we have over 200 members who subscribe to the SA Code of Conduct and work to drive up standards in our industry. We:
- Promote best practice among members
- Ask members to sign up to a Code of Practice
- Communicate with schools directly, encouraging them to select from amongst our members
- Provide guidance and keep members up to date
- Represent the sector when speaking to the government
- Liaise with the press and media on behalf of the sector
- Run campaigns for better access to uniform and sportswear
Message from our Chair
School leaders all understand the benefits of a specific school uniform and know first-hand how it positively impacts school life in so many ways. In today’s social media driven world where children are constantly exposed to the latest expensive fashion trends, a specific school uniform is the ultimate leveller as everyone wears the same clothing, leaving no room for inequality or oneupmanship. A specific school uniform also allows pupils to feel part of the same team and helps to represent the ethos and values of a school whether inside or outside of the school gates.
Specialist school uniforms are longer lasting, which is particularly relevant as children attend school for around 195 days a year. This durability not only means that specific school uniform represents the best value garments that parents can buy for their children but is also the most environmentally responsible option.
Through our Code of Practice, the Schoolwear Association is proud to represent our members who are all manufacturers, suppliers or retailers of specialist school uniform in the UK. These businesses are mostly local, independent SMEs with strong links to the communities we serve, and support the schools, parents and pupils we supply in different ways. More information about what we do, along with different resources to support schools, can be found throughout this site.
Thank you for your support.
Matthew Easter
VAT and school uniform
Clothing for children aged 14 or older, or taller or larger than the average, is subject to a 20% VAT rate. This includes school uniforms. We are calling on the Government to abolish tax on school uniforms by scrapping VAT on all school-specific uniform items to bring down costs for families.
Removing VAT on school uniforms would allow families to make significant savings whilst their children are at school, for a relatively limited cost to the taxpayer. The timing is now right to abolish this tax, as Brexit has given the country tax freedoms which the Government should take advantage of.
Please contact us here to find out how you can support our campaign to get VAT removed on school-specific uniform.